
An abnormal and dangerous condition in which the temperature of the body is below 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Centigrade).

Alternative Names

Low body temperature; Cold exposure


Factors that can contribute to hypothermia include extreme cold, wet clothes, high winds "wind chill", and poor circulation, which can be caused by tight clothing or boots, cramped positions, fatigue , certain medication, smoking , alcohol use , or diseases that affect the blood vessels, such as diabetes , poor fluid intake ( fluid imbalance ), and inadequate food. Wear suitable clothing in cold temperatures and protect exposed, sensitive areas. In cold weather, wear mittens (not gloves); wind-proof, water-resistant, many-layered clothing; two pairs of socks (cotton next to skin, then wool); and a scarf and a hat that cover the ears (to avoid substantial heat loss through the scalp). Before anticipated prolonged exposure to cold, don't drink alcohol or smoke (both interfere with blood circulation), and get adequate food and rest. If caught in a severe snowstorm, find shelter early.

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