
The infestation by one of two species of tapeworm : Hymenolepis nana or Hymenolepis diminuta .

Alternative Names

Dwarf tapeworm infection; Rat tapeworm; Tapeworm - infection

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Hymenolepis live in warm climates and are common in the southern United States. The eggs of these worms are ingested by insects, and mature into a life form referred to as a "cysticercoid" in the insect. Humans and other animals become infected when they intentionally or unintentionally eat material contaminated by insects. In an infected person, it is possible for the worm's entire life-cycle to be completed in the bowel, so infection can persist for years. Infections with Hymenolepis nana are much more common than infections with Hymenolepis diminuta infections in humans. These infections were previously common in the southeastern United States, and have been described in crowded environments and individuals confined to institutions. However, the disease occurs throughout the world.

Signs and tests

Examination of the stool for eggs and parasites confirms the diagnosis


Praziquantel as a single dose is the current treatment of choice for hymenolepiasis.

Expectations (prognosis)

Expect full recovery following treatment.


  • discomfort
  • dehydration
  • from prolonged
  • diarrhea

    Calling your health care provider

    Call your health care provider if chronic diarrhea or cramping are present.


    Good hygiene, public health and sanitation programs, and elimination of rats help prevent the spread of hymenolepiasis.

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